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Roosevelt Cross Country

Close up image of a maroon sweatshirt with block letters in Gold with a white outline. The word ROOSEVELT is arched. Underneath it are the letters CC with an arrow going through the middle of the C opening. The hoodie drawstrings dangle down over the prin

Important Info for Roosevelt Cross Country

Before school begins:

Practices at Lake Nokomis by the softball fields behind Field #3. (part way between the main beach and Minnehaha Creek)

  • Morning practice: 7-8am
  • Afternoon practice: 2-3pm

Choose a time that works with your schedule.

Image of a maroon-tinted photo of the Al Gowans track at Minneapolis Roosevelt High School. Superimposed over the top of the image is a type graphic consisting of an outline of a shield shape. Inside are words THE VELT CC. The word “the” is small. The wor

Official website of Minneapolis Roosevelt Teddy High School Cross Country

Image of a blank grey rectangle with a graphic that has text wrapping around in a circle which reads “Minneapolis Roosevelt High School”. Within the center of this graphic type that reads “#TeddyNation”.

2024 Meet Schedule

Aug. 23 - Fri - 9am    Southwest Run / Gale Woods
Aug. 24 - Sat - 9am    Ron Kretsch Invite / Bassett Creek Park
Sept. 7 - Sat - 8am    Time Trial / Ed Solomon Park
Sept. 13 - Fri- 3:30pm     Applejack Invitational / Steve Michaud Park
Sept. 21 - Sat- 9am     Tom Watson Invitational / Chippewa M.S.
Sept. 26 - Thur - 3:45pm    Cowbell Classic / Dodge M.S.
Oct. 1 - Tue - 3:30pm    Victoria Lions Invitational / Gale Woods
Oct. 9 - Wed - 4pm    City Meet / Gale Woods
Oct. 24 - Thur - 10am    Section Meet / Valleywood G.C.
Oct. 25 - Fr - 4:20pm    City Soph. and J.V. / Lake Nokomis

Graphic: Team Schedules + Info
Image of banner graphic: Coaching Staff

David Sharp

David Sharp

Head Coach

Phone: 612-729-8969

Image of MileSplitMN logo

View CC Meet Results


Image of stacked text: Spring Sports Info Night
Graphic:  Summer Sports Performance Program
Minneapolis Roosevelt Cross Country team pose for a group photo

2024-25 Roosevelt Cross Country

Cross Country News

Minneapolis Roosevelt Cross Country runner Evan Cary poses with his coaches at the State Championship
Image of Minneapolis Roosevelt High School Teddy Cross Country head coach Dave Sharp watch a race. Graphic: 2024-25 Section 5AA Coach of the Year, Dave Sharp
Image of Minneapolis Roosevelt High School Teddy Athletic Director Adam Flander posing for the camera during a team photo shoot. To the right of the image is graphic text: 2024-25 Region 6AA ADof the Year, Adam Flanders
Graphic: Section 3AA Championships State Qualifier, Evan Cary
Graphic: Section 3AA Championships Cross Country. The Velt CC. Boys 4th overall, Girls 5th overall
Graphic: Roosevel Athletics Parent/Guardian Survey. We want to hear from you!
Graphic: Cross Country Fan Gear Now Available! Deadline to order = Friday, Nov 1.
Minneapolis Roosevelt High School Cross Country runners with their medals
Graphic: College Knowledge Night
Minneapolis Roosevelt High School Cross Country Logo


Minneapolis Roosevelt Cross Country runners pose with their medals from City Meet

City Meet: Treva Russell 17th, Roman Wise 12th, Evan Cary 8th

Close up image of a maroon sweatshirt with block letters in Gold with a white outline. The word ROOSEVELT is arched. Underneath it are the letters CC with an arrow going through the middle of the C opening. The hoodie drawstrings dangle down over the prin
Image of a maroon-tinted photo of the Minneapolis Roosevelt High School track at Al Gowans Stadium. The individual track lanes are highllighted with each lane having a number, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Superimposed over the top is a Text Graphic with letters curvi

Minneapolis Roosevelt High School Cross Country